• Llarrinda Bed and Breakfast (map)
  • Foster
  • Australia

Timmins and Friends are excited to announce their return to the beautiful community of Foster following the success of their recital in the Prom Coast Festival in March. Jennifer Timmins (flute) and Thea Rossen (percussion) partner with the stunning Llarrinda Bed & Breakfast to present the Prom Coast edition of their touring show Karakia, which explores the use of the human voice as a sound-making and sound-enriching tool in instrumental music. Karakia is also a celebration of the voices of composers who have enriched our societies through political and/or social means and invites audiences to join in this celebration using their own voices. 

Join Timmins and Friends at Llarrinda Bed & Breakfast on Sunday 8 December for an immersive concert experience of music for flute and vibraphone inspired by Gregorian plainchant intertwined with the sounds of the Australian and New Zealand bush. Overlooking the glorious Foster countryside, and followed by a smorgasbord of tea and homemade treats, this unique musical soiree is not to be missed.